Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Rewatching Log Horizon! Fucking love this anime!

  Alright so everyone knows about SAO(Sword Art Online) but one of the animes that I never heard of until recently was Log Horizon! I know...I should be ashamed :c but I have atoned and commenced watching this almost religiously haha! I'm still not sure on what exactly is going on or how the players got trapped in Elder Tale but they do refer to something called the "Apocalypse" so I'm going to assume the real world ended or something like that? They don't remember much but that's what adds to the mystery of this anime! The fights in this anime as well as the different roles besides tank and healer are interesting! Tactics usually triumph over brute force which is really an awesome thing in this anime and makes you wish that there was a game that had this sort of system! Definitely recommend this anime if you loved SAO!

  One of my favorite characters so far in the anime is Akatsuki! In the beginning she is a male character but later gets a potion to change to her real gender! Why she is so short is a mystery but every anime needs that one loli girl right? RIGHT! But she is my favorite because of the way she beats the crap out of most of the perverted players! Also she kicks ass in the game with her skills and whatnot! I feel bad for her because one of the characters is always trying to dress her up in cute dresses and stuff and she hates it! >.<

  I won't be spoiling much or going into much detail but I will say this anime has its dark moments! Where I'm at players that die don't die permanently but they do lose exp...but they also lose a tiny bit of their memories of the real world! This isn't problematic but if players die too many times they might forget everything! It adds a layer of suspense when the groups get into huge monster fights or if they fight against other players! Also the people of the land which are the NPCs are apparently capable of thinking and acting on their own! If you guys ever watch this anime you'll forget it's even a game until someone brings it up! One of the differences between the players and the npcs is that the people of the land do not come back to life when they die! Something they are aware they might be advanced AI? It's pretty crazy!

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