Wednesday, September 2, 2015

Ronin Class: My thoughts so far(level 45)

  Recently I started playing as a Ronin as opposed to the Ravager,Warbow,Scythe,and Gunslinger characters that I have and have found it to be really fun at least in the sense of PvE! I haven't tried to do any PvP with the class since I'm not much of a fan but when I do I will update this post! So let's get down to it!

  The Ronin is a melee class with quite a few gap closers which makes getting to the next mob before those damn bots much easier and they both do pretty good damage with Dark Spear Raid being a multi hit skill! Dragon's Fury is the other and it hits multiple times but also absorbs 10% of the damage you dealt and restores your health! I'm pretty sure these are good skills when fighting against players with ranged skills! It also has a spirit system where you can activate Soul Blade mode which increases damage and evasion as well as allowing you to use the skill depicted in the above image Soul Storm which decreases the targets defense by 1% and stacks up to 30 times while dealing pretty good and fast damage!

  Brilliant Dragon Flash is my next favorite skill! It hits like a truck,has a decent cooldown,and it also has a stun effect which just makes life easier in general! Using this skill against bosses and even some monsters that are preparing an area of effect skill I've managed to get out of trouble and also cause trouble for them since usually I can just straight up murder the monster or boss before it gets a chance to recast that skill! Not going to lie but if you timed this skill right in PvP you'd probably murder someone and interrupt an important skill haha!

  As you guys can see this is my envoy path! It's not following any real pattern and I'm mainly getting things that I think would help me kill a monster faster! The skill that is circled in red is extremely helpful since I am building SPD/DEF! It's a passive called Raging Waves and its effect is that it increases your crit chance by 3% for 120 seconds...and it stacks up to 20 times per attack you execute! The stacks disappear after you land a crit but this really does come in handy early on especially since you get skills to raise your crit damage on the envoy path! I'm currently at 195% crit damage so this passive makes me deal pretty good damage with crits! I'm not following a guide or anything but it makes sense to me...which doesn't really say much haha!

  One thing though is that the Ronin class is fairly squishy and is meant to finish fights fast! Even with 75% defense a Ronin will still go down within a few hits. If you look through your skills though we are meant to rush into a fight and do as much damage as possible! It's not much of a problem until you start getting more into Sky Tower,Other World,and so on dungeons! For now though I'm able to take hits and murder mobs so it isn't all that bad! That raps up this little article I hope it helped you guys learn a bit more about the Ronin! If you guys want to see the Ronin class in action check out this video and be sure to subscribe! I'll be uploading more videos of my classes doing different dungeons soon! :D

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