Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Aura Kingdom still alive and worth playing?

  So one of the questions I see in forums is whether or not Aura Kingdom is still alive and kicking. I decided to write this up in order to clarify a few things and give players an overall idea of what the current state of the game is! Just so you all can see I am currently level 63 and the bottom image will show the set I have and weapons which are the level 60 orange ones that took me forever to get! So I've played enough to give a basic overview! :)

  The population of the game is actually very lively and is not a ghost town like some people would have you believe! It is in fact populated and active! It may seem empty though but don't be fooled! Most players are either in the end game areas,fishing,or in the guild hall! So don't think for a second that it's abandoned! That being said it is also populated by bots! Although Aeria Games has banned them they simply return and continue to go through it! But that's just something we have to deal with!

  Dungeons are easy to solo but the lower level content will feel a bit less...group oriented. You will be doing most dungeons alone unless you join a guild and have them run with you through them in order to get your daily done and a bit of that bonus experience! It's a shame that it had to be that way but most of the players are running Otherworld,Abyss,or their own appropriate level dungeons leaving the lower level players out to dry in a sense! This doesn't make the game any less enjoyable it just means you'll have to wait a while or get in a guild to enjoy the group aspects of the game!

  Pay to win isn't a problem here! I wasn't thinking about writing this in but some players are convinced that you HAVE to pay to get anywhere. You don't HAVE to pay but it does make things easier! The cash shop isn't pay to win unless you count scrolls that you use to upgrade items as that but they don't give a 100% chance and can be obtained in the game through dungeons or regular monster killing! Paying does make it easier to get gold but if you were to play the game and hit 50+ you would find there are many ways of earning gold on this game! One of them is farming Loyalty Points through fishing or boss killing(60)! They can be used to get ruby coins which in turn can be used to get the same scrolls I was talking about or the 5000 weekly ruby coins for 7999 loyalty points! The 5000 coins may take a while to get unless you do a bunch of fishing and world boss killing! But even as a casual player that I am I have managed to get 3299 so it's possible!

 Another way to get easy loyalty and ruby coins is through the dragon point system! You get dragon points from doing dungeons and get more if you run it with friends that have a high intimacy level with you(which increases based on dragon points)! So compared to other p2w games this isn't anywhere near as bad!

  One of the more popular complaints is the leveling speed from 60 and above! It does slow down drastically...that is if you don't do your OW dungeons as well as the 55 dungeons! Simply doing them solo will net you a decent % of exp without the use of exp charms but doing them before they reset and again after they reset guarantees you will level at a more reasonable rate! Whats more the game currently has a level cap of 80 but only has the gear for level 70(orange) and level 75(yellow)! The leveling speed however will probably increase as the level cap rises and we get the gear or content for that update! To see all the future updates we are missing check this post out:http://www.aeriagames.com/forums

    That basically sums up the game overall! I might add some stuff later on if I feel I forgot something but yeah this game is worth checking out and sticking around for it! Laters! :3

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