Monday, September 7, 2015

We finally did it!

Umm how does this work?

    Hey! It's been a while since I last wrote on here and I'm sorry about that but the guild needed all my attention! Reason being is that we finally hit level 4! This means we now have access to a guild base as well as Eidolon spawning every 3 hours! This is great news and the guild has been more lively than ever thanks to all of our combined efforts! I also have officers to help manage things should something happen and I have to be offline for an extended amount of time which may be happening due to school and soon work!

  But that's all for later right now we are having a blast getting to know each other and just enjoying this game! If anyone is interested in joining us by all means feel free to! We are on the Chimera server and would like to add you to our ever growing family! Take care! <3

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