Wednesday, September 9, 2015

What's going on in the guild and why I haven't been as active

  Well as of a few days ago we finally hit level four as a guild! We have been enjoying our guild base to the max with the fishing and eidolon spawns and have had a few players get lucky and score some key fragments! We have also been adding more and more members to our guild who are adamant about leveling up and doing dungeons together as well as clearing Sky Tower floors! But where there is good news there is also bad!

  It doesn't apply to the guild or any of us in game but rather on a recent inactivity on my part! I should have been level 64 by today but I am still at 55% thanks to this toothache and ear ache that have been plaguing me for the past couple of days! I have been taking medicine for it and it has helped but I really need to go see a dentist about this before it gets any worse! It makes it impossible to do anything even play a game! Hopefully I'm feeling better by the end of this week...pray for me! >.<

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