Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Lineage 2 85 Tyrr Warrior review.

   So I recently got back into Lineage 2 after being gone for about 2 years and I must say the game is still fairly popular and it has quite a big world to explore!That being said however this game is not something new players should look into.This is going to be a short post about the game but I will mention the good and the bad of this game.

  So this game is old...when I say old I mean it's 12 years old!So it has been around for quite a long time!It started out as a p2p game and then switched to f2p.I played it back when the Kamael race was first released and I enjoyed playing every moment of it.Then GoD hit and things got stupid.Leveling was made ridiculously easy.Within two days of playing Lineage 2 I went from level 1 to level 85 and awakened.

  Lineage 2 offers open world PvP but nobody does that except the high level players.Literally I went from level 1-85 and not ONCE was I attacked by a player at all!Back when I used to play people had fights for experience spots all the time!If they even saw you anywhere near one of their monster spots they would stop what they were doing to fight you because you were a threat!Now...people are just running around killing stuff and never really interacting.In terms of player interactions there is NONE until you hit level 85.So if you like group content,PvP,an active community,or just meeting new people you should uninstall and either go play a private server or just play another game.

  Popular spots like Tower of Insolence are just abandoned.There is little to no point for any player to go to these spots.You are basically wasting your time and these spots were the most popular spots to go level up in before they got gimped!They were gimped to stop bots but honestly bots will still prevail and this only screwed over legit players!If you think that's bad they also gimped the adena drop rate from monsters to combat bots.That hasn't done shit but further screw players over!Honestly NCSoft are your brains not functioning or are you trying to kill Lineage 2?

  NCSoft also announced that Lineage 2 will be releasing on Steam but at this point it is too late.I can almost guarantee that any player that plays this game will quit either at level 20 or at level 85.This isn't a bad game...but the developers are fucking idiots.

Pros:Lots of players,open world PvP,raids/dungeons,guild sieges,crafting,learning curve,subclass system

Cons:No interaction with many of the players,nobody does open world pvp,level 85 is when raids and dungeons open up,guilds usually recruit level 99 players,outdated information makes the game even more difficult,most of the community will tell you not to play this game,either spend money to get "ok" on the cash shop or adena sellers or suffer just to be "mediocre" in about a year.

  So go ahead and play the game but don't get your hopes up.This game is just horribly managed and the cash shop is just a real bitch.

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