Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I hate being competitive in games!

  Yes I know this stirs quite a few jimmies in some people but in the end it's my opinion and if you love competitive gaming that's your deal! But I hate it! From the time I first started playing MU Online to the time I picked up World of Warcraft in 2014 I have quit every game I get competitive on! Monster Hunter 4 Ultimate,Pokemon,freaking Candy Crush! I get burned out from playing these games just to be better than somebody else! I sat back one day and asked myself "Do I want to go and be an MLG player?" and the answer is no! I for one am very aggressive and if you put me in a room with a shit talking gamer who is kicking my ass or just being a sore loser...I will punch them. So it wouldn't be in my best interest to even go to an MLG tournament.

  Besides that I also am not competitive. I rage when people do dumb things but other than that I am usually just like "Oh we lost...let's que up again"! I have played games with my cousin and his friend and we have each screamed at each other but in the end it's just a game to us. A bunch of pixels and numbers that won't really do anything for us(different for MLG players)! I honestly don't feel like I should put that much time and effort into a game where in one patch I have to actually read the patch notes and then if any changes are done to my class,champions,or ships/skills I have to get used to being nerfed or buffed...and I don't want to do that! Because it's a game not school or a career choice that I would like to delve into!

  Nowadays I just play games for fun. If you look at my trainer card on the left side of this page you'll see that my team isn't exactly "meta" but I like those Pokemon and I am having a blast playing them! On LoL I choose champions based on looks and playstyle rather than on how they are in the meta game. So far I am enjoying every game more as I play for fun and you all might like to be competitive and that might be fun for you and our opinions may differ...but that's okay! Do what's fun to you! If getting kill streaks and tea bagging players online is fun for you then go for it! Games are meant to be a source of entertainment after all! :)

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