Saturday, October 17, 2015

Pokemon Ghost Gym:My team

  So I recently got into the habit of making mono type teams.Blame my OCD or whatever but I think it's cool and I like the added challenge of playing with a single type team!Like my ghost team!I swear it felt like every trainer in Pokemon X had bite,crunch,or some other dark type move!But I got through it and I've been breeding a psychic type team for when Pokemon Alpha Sapphire gets here hopefully by today!I am a bit late to the party but it doesn't matter and I haven't watched any videos on it or talked about it with my friends so it'll be a brand new adventure for me!

  But back to my Ghost Team and what I use each pokemon for!

  Jellicent is the first one to go out no matter what kind of battle I am in!He is my all around wall with high hp,def,and special defense!His moves are Water Spout which deals more damage the more HP I have and less the less I have,Recover which keeps me alive and lets me get the most out of Water Spout,Toxic to make the other trainers pokemon regret existing,and the last move is Trick Room so that I can go first and it makes it easier to set up my next pokemon to further annoy my opponents!He holds Leftovers to make it so that he can just be an annoyance!

  Next in line is Trevenant!This bad boy is fully equipped to basically stall the crap out of my opponent while further weakening his opponents and basically being a pain in the ass!The only weaknesses to the way I play him is that any pokemon with Infiltrator or anything that'll get past my Substitute is going to give me a hard time!The moves for Trevenant are Will-O-Wisp to weaken any potential physical sweepers and deal damage,Leech Seed to further hurt my opponent that is burned or poisoned,Substitute because Trevenant is NO tank,and Leech Horn to get back HP and be able to keep setting up substitutes!The item he holds is leftovers though I am considering giving him a berry since he has Harvest as an ability!

  Gollurk is the one that I use as a power house!With Iron Fist as an ability and one of each punch to have good coverage he can usually deal with any weakened pokemon and he can take a hit!He is a straight forward attacker and the item I made him hold is a Choice Band!

  Aegislash is one of my heavy hitters!Swords Dance,Kings Shield,Iron Head,and Shadow Sneak!Good for messing with my opponents mind and he gets switched in when a sweeper sets up Swords Dance!That Kings Shield is the perfect counter and if I can get it off twice I know that my opponent will try to get off another Swords Dance which gives me that chance to get mine off!He holds a Life Orb just to give him that extra AHHHHH!

  Froslass is one of my more hated pokemon!It is just an evasion troll!Which is why I have her so far down on my list!Snow Cloak as an ability and the following moves make it so that I can basically avoid most attacks and then even when they do hit they will hit my Substitute!Moves are Hail,Substitute,Double Team,and Ice Beam!It holds Bright Powder to further make it a Pokemon that just annoys the crap out of a trainer!Easy to get through though but she'll put up a fight!

  Last but not least is my Chandelure!This is my last Pokemon but she hits like a truck with no brakes!She is built for speed and power with Choice Scarf as an item it can usually out speed and clean up any pokemon that have been weakened by Will-O-Wisp or Toxic!If they don't have Will-O-Wisp then they get it anyways as well as a Confuse Ray!The moves for this Pokemon are Will-O-Wisp,Confuse Ray,Shadow Ball,and Flamethrower!My last ditch effort to bring down my opponents Pokemon lie on this one!Most trainers send in their fastest Pokemon to set up a sweep but that doesn't work against me!Garchomp goes down against my Jellicent when Trick Room goes off followed by Water Spout and then Toxic!Most threats are taken care of by the time Chandelure gets out but it's not a sealed deal!Battles can be turned and things can go wrong!

  But yeah this is my team so far and it's alright!Nothing special but I like it and I have pretty good coverage against most pokemon!What team do you use or would you use if you were a Gym Leader?Let me know in the comments below!Love you!<3

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