Monday, August 31, 2015

The Seven Deadly Sins: OMG GIVE ME SEASON 2!!!!

  Hey guys! I recently finished rewatching this anime called "The Seven Deadly Sins" and it was so freaking cool! It's subbed which is usually a problem for me since I well...don't like to read the subtitles(I'm lazy) but this was worth it! It's a short anime going for about 25 episodes but each episode is filled with both humor,awesome fights,and character development! Another thing I love is that each character is important! Yeah the main character obviously has some perks but the others are just as capable of killing him or defeating enemies on their own! Apparently they are also immortal? You'd have to watch the anime but there is also romance involved!

  One of my favorite couples in the anime is Ban and Elaine! Ban is an immortal member of the Seven Deadly Sins and his healing is on par with Wolverines from the X-Men! Actually if I had to compare him to anyone it would be Deadpool due to his sense of humor...also his voice! Elaine is also immortal due to her being a fairy but she can be killed if injured! I won't spoil it for anyone but this romance is both touching...and quite sad! But it's sooo cute! >.<

  There are also other romances but I won't spoil them for anyone!:x If you are interested in watching this anime I really suggest you do! Oh and Season 2 is supposed to be out this fall I believe? Not sure but I really want to watch it! I AM DYING! At the end of this season there was such a huge cliff hanger that it competes if not surpasses the cliff hangers of Dragon Ball Z during any of the major fights! T_T

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